Comprehensive sexuality education

A journey towards responsibility and respect!

Welcome to the world of sexuality education, where every step of this educational journey prepares you to adopt responsible, respectful behavior towards yourself and others. This education in emotional and sexual relationships offers an enriching experience that will:

📚 Acquire objective knowledge and scientific information.🌟 Explore the multiple dimensions of sexuality: biological, affective, cultural, ethical, social and legal.🤔 Develop critical thinking.🤝 Encourage responsible individual and collective behavior, ensuring prevention and protection of self and others.💡 Discover specific resources for information, help and support, both inside and outside the school.

Our teaching methods

Welcome to our personalized, inclusive sessions, adapted to each grade level, to meet the specific needs of each young person. Our interventions are complementary to existing teaching. As an active participant in sexuality education, as described in circular n°2003-027, our sessions, led by competent, qualified professionals, are based on solid ethics that guarantee respect for consciences, convictions, and the right to intimacy and privacy.

Our animators encourage young people to express themselves and to develop an open reflection on sexuality. Using dynamic animation techniques, we encourage exchange, active participation and interaction. In the spirit of good citizenship, we ensure confidentiality and respect for self and others.

The facilitator leads the session, clearly outlining the rules from the outset: confidentiality, how to speak, how to proceed, and much more. Together, we build an environment where everyone feels confident to express themselves freely, and where every voice counts.

Classes are held in mixed or single-sex half-groups, depending on age and needs, so that each young person can find a place to speak.

We offer a dynamic and inspiring sexuality education experience, during which we awaken minds, promote dialogue and encourage enlightened citizenship.

The team

Comprehensive sexuality education

Bénédicte LARRIEU

  • Éducatrice à la vie Relationnelle Affective et Sexuelle (EARS) - Chargée de projet


  • Docteure en Géographie humaine et urbaine - Chargée de projet

PR. Séraphin ALAVA

  • Directeur de l'association ; Professeur d'Universite émérite Unite Mixte de Recherche EFTS ;Membre chaire UNESCO Prevention des radicalisations Chercheur en résidence Institut des hautes études en Education formation (IH2EF)


  • Docteure en Sciences de l’éducation - Chargée de recherche


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Le projet PREVEX France, appuyé par la DGCS, vise à prévenir les violences faites aux enfants en Occitanie par des interventions ludiques et éducatives dans les écoles et collèges. Il propose des ateliers interactifs, des formations pour enseignants et éducateurs, et des outils pédagogiques pour renforcer la résilience des jeunes et sensibiliser aux violences sexuelles et intrafamiliales.

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Le projet PREVHED vise à lutter contre le harcèlement sexuel dans les universités européennes. Il promeut l'échange de bonnes pratiques entre les universités, la promotion de stratégies de prévention innovantes, la formation des gestionnaires et des enseignants et enfin la mise en place de moyens de signalement et de soutien aux victimes

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