Citizenship education, secularism

"Approach what unites us, accept what differentiates us to live together".

“Approaching what unites us, accepting what differentiates us in order to live together” is a fundamental principle in building a harmonious and inclusive society. By putting this approach into practice, we can foster mutual understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Here’s how we can do it:

Open Communication and Active Listening:

Encourage open and respectful conversations where individuals can share their experiences, views and concerns.

Celebrating Diversity:

Organize cultural events and festivities that celebrate the different traditions, religions, languages and customs present in a community.

Civic and Community Engagement:

Encourage the active participation of individuals within their community, by encouraging them to get involved in social projects, volunteer initiatives and civic actions.

As part of the secular and civic course, our association is committed to promoting fraternity as a fundamental value of citizenship. Here’s how we approach and reinforce this notion, as well as our concrete actions:

Promoting fraternity and respect:

Organize workshops and seminars on fraternity, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, solidarity and inclusion.

Encourage discussions on universal values of respect, empathy and mutual understanding in schools, communities and public spaces.

Developing Citizen Eloquence:

Offer communication and eloquence training for young people, to help them express their opinions, defend their ideas and actively engage in civic life.

Organize eloquence competitions that encourage young people to express themselves on important social and political issues.

Deployment of the Mallette des Maux :

The “Mallette des Maux” is an educational tool for tackling sensitive issues and conflicts that divide society. It aims to encourage dialogue and the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Organize mediation and conflict resolution workshops, using the “Mallette des Maux” as a starting point for discussing issues and possible solutions.

Peace-building through Restorative Circles:

Restorative Circles are spaces where people can come together to discuss openly, re-establish communication and find peaceful solutions to conflict.

Set up Restorative Circle programs in schools, neighborhoods and institutions, to foster reconciliation and peace-building.

Listening and Celebrating Cultures:

Organize intercommunity cultural events to celebrate cultural diversity and foster appreciation of the traditions and customs of different cultures.

Implement cross-cultural awareness initiatives that encourage active listening and understanding of others’ cultural practices.

The team

Citizenship education, secularism

PR. Séraphin ALAVA

  • Directeur de l'association ; Professeur d'Universite émérite Unite Mixte de Recherche EFTS ;Membre chaire UNESCO Prevention des radicalisations Chercheur en résidence Institut des hautes études en Education formation (IH2EF)


  • Directrice de l’association, chercheuse - European project manager

Bénédicte LARRIEU

  • Éducatrice à la vie Relationnelle Affective et Sexuelle (EARS) - Chargée de projet


  • Docteure en Sciences de l’éducation - Chargée de recherche

David A. LUESA N

  • Chercheur en Sciences de l’éducation - Responsable de projet


  • Docteure en Géographie humaine et urbaine - Chargée de projet

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