Characterizing, identifying and preventing the phenomena of violent radicalization
Acting to prevent and support radical desistance, and educate people to live together.
Preventing radicalization and violent polarization
The “Radicalisation(s)/Radicalité(s)” cluster is a research, training, action and intervention cluster dedicated to combating extremism and radicalization.
It conducts research, training, action and intervention on the causes and manifestations of extremism and radicalization, as well as on prevention and de-radicalization strategies. It also develops tools and resources for training and informing those involved in the fight against extremism.
The main concrete actions of the “Radicalization” cluster are as follows:
Research: on the causes and manifestations of extremism and radicalization, as well as on prevention and de-radicalization strategies. It publishes articles, books and reports on these subjects.
Training: our association offers training courses on the prevention of extremism and radicalization for professionals, teachers, parents and young people. These courses aim to develop the knowledge and skills needed to combat extremism.
Information: we disseminate information on extremism and radicalization via our website, social networks and publications. This information aims to raise public awareness of the dangers of extremism and how to prevent it.
Intervention: we intervene in difficult situations to provide support to educators, police officers and teachers, to young people in the process of radicalization, to parents and to the young people themselves.
- Here are just a few examples of concrete actions carried out by the "Radicalizations" cluster:Research: The "Radicalizations" cluster has published a report on the use of social media by extremist groups. This report has been used by public authorities and civil society organizations to develop strategies to prevent online radicalization.Training: The "Radicalisations" cluster has developed a training course for teachers on the prevention of radicalization in schools. Professor Séraphin Alava is co-responsible for the Cnam university diploma on the prevention of radicalization.Information: The "Radicalisations" unit has published two comic strips on the radicalization of young people (Adam and Citra/Chamira). These comic strips have been distributed to secondary schools in France, and explanatory actions are carried out on request.Intervention: The "Radicalization" unit set up a listening unit following the Trebes attacks, and carried out field surveys to measure the impact of the associations' counter-discourse tools. The "Radicalisations" unit is a major player in the fight against extremism and radicalization. Its research, training, action and intervention activities contribute to a better understanding of these phenomena and to the development of effective strategies to prevent them.
Entretien avec le Pr, Séraphin Alava
Chaire Unesco de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent
L’association “Les Militants des Savoirs” est partenaire de la chaire Unesco-Prev. Le professeur Alava, président de l’association a participé à sa création et l’association a co-organisé plusieurs manifestations visant à développer la chaire et à développer des actions de recherche innovation en France et en Europe.
La chaire Unesco créée à l’automne 2017, la Chaire a pour mission principale d’agir à titre de pôle d’excellence afin de développer, partager et valoriser la recherche et les actions en matière de prévention primaire, secondaire et tertiaire de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents. Elle assure une collaboration étroite entre les chercheurs et les communautés de pratique dans une perspective comparée, pluridisciplinaire et nord-sud. La Chaire se fixe notamment les objectifs suivants :
Identifier, mettre en réseau et améliorer la coopération entre les pôles et structures d’expertise et les communautés de pratique en matière de prévention de la radicalisation, au Canada et à l’international ;
Assurer un haut niveau d’expertise et mettre sur pied des programmes innovants en recherche-action, ainsi que des modèles fondés sur des données probantes et les meilleures pratiques, afin d’orienter les politiques publiques et programmes en prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents aux niveaux local, national et international ;
Appuyer le renforcement des capacités des intervenants clés, en particulier dans les milieux de la recherche, scolaire et communautaire, et incluant Internet ;
Assurer la sensibilisation, la visibilité et le transfert des connaissances auprès du public et des médias.
Entretien avec le Pr, Séraphin Alava
The team
Characterizing, identifying and preventing the phenomena of violent radicalization
PR. Séraphin ALAVA
- Directeur de l'association ; Professeur d'Universite émérite Unite Mixte de Recherche EFTS ;Membre chaire UNESCO Prevention des radicalisations Chercheur en résidence Institut des hautes études en Education formation (IH2EF)
- Directrice de l’association, chercheuse - European project manager