Socialisation, Discriminations, Identités

Preventing hatred by accepting the differences that bring us together.

Discover our pole “Socialization, Discriminations, Identities”, an initiative committed to building a better, more inclusive world. Our mission is to prevent hatred, racism and anti-Semitism through educational and entertaining activities that promote mutual understanding and the deconstruction of discrimination.

Through captivating cultural mediation, we offer young people the opportunity to open up to the diversity of the world around them. Our educational initiatives aim to encourage tolerance, solidarity and acceptance of others. By working on the affirmation of personal identities, we help everyone to find their place in a plural society, thus promoting harmonious living together.La Machine à Discriminer, Déconstruisons la Haine:

Awareness-raising workshops: Organize interactive workshops where participants can experience the effects of discrimination in a simulated way. This creates empathy and prompts reflection on the consequences of discrimination.

Discussions and debates: Organize debates and open discussions to explore the root causes of discrimination, inviting experts and people who have experienced discrimination to share their experiences.

The Citizens Street Festival to open up the street to the arts and differences:

Art exhibitions: showcasing artists from different cultures and communities to celebrate artistic diversity.

Cultural performances: Organize shows and performances featuring arts from different cultural backgrounds, promoting appreciation of diverse cultures.

Le Jeu Quartier des Légendes Built by Young People to Succeed in Living Together:

Creative workshops: Encourage young people to design and create board or interactive games that promote values of inclusion, tolerance and mutual understanding.

Group gaming sessions: Organize group gaming sessions where participants can play these newly created games to learn while having fun.

Discovery of Calligraphy or Graffiti to delve into the Roots of Cultures:

Art workshops: Offer introductory workshops in calligraphy and graffiti, where participants can immerse themselves in the art and culture of other communities.

Cultural exhibitions: Organize exhibitions showcasing the art of writing and graffiti from different cultures, enabling people to explore cultural roots through visual art.

The team

Socialisation, Discriminations, Identités

PR. Séraphin ALAVA

  • Directeur de l'association ; Professeur d'Universite émérite Unite Mixte de Recherche EFTS ;Membre chaire UNESCO Prevention des radicalisations Chercheur en résidence Institut des hautes études en Education formation (IH2EF)


  • Directrice de l’association, chercheuse - European project manager-Docteure en sciences de l'éducation UMR-EFTS-Université Toulouse Jean Jaurèss

Bénédicte LARRIEU

  • Éducatrice à la vie Relationnelle Affective et Sexuelle (EARS) - Chargée de projet


  • Docteure en Sciences de l’éducation - Chargée de recherche


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Fraternal lands: Occitan paths

"Greet, work, care, help each other, tolerate, commit, fraternize, refuse, think, fight, resist, dare act, liberate and federate". We wanted to collect all these gestures from the history of our fraternities in Occitania.