My body is ME! kit
Preventing violence against children
- Provision of an educational kit
- Contextualizing sexual violenceDefining sexual violence and knowing the lawUnderstanding the consequences of sexual violence against children
- Knowing how to identify victims, perpetrators and situations at riskExperiencing prevention tools (presentation of the “Mon corps c'est moi” kit)
- Working on one's professional posture to deal with delicate situations.
- Prevention workshops in the form of games and verbalization with children (8-14 years old) led by professionals.Become aware of the value of the person, at once body, heart and brain.Learn to know one's body, it is worthy of respect.
- Define the notion of intimacy, modesty Know how to express one's
- feelings Know how to say no when it hurts us inside.How to react to a situation of abuse.
- Know the law that protects children.
- A meeting with parents to discuss these issues and forge an educational alliance.
Training sessions
- From To
- Provision of an educational kit - Training: Sensilisation for the educational team to understand, identify and prevent violence against children. - Prevention workshops in the form of games and verbalization with children, led by professionals. - A meeting with parents to discuss these issues and forge an educational alliance. - Places